Click the links below to have the items shipped directly to your door or print this page and bring it to your local art store.
You can use the supplies you already own. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Warm-up exercise:
Main project:
Bring any materials you want to work in. Recommended are oils or acrylics and canvas, or tempera or gouache on paper. Pastel or watercolors are welcome as well. Whichever you choose, remember, it’s about color. Size is up to you; you can go with a larger format, or small if you enjoy that more.
Pick one medium to work with (acrylic or oils or gouache or tempera, etc)
Supplies you'll need no matter the medium you paint with:
Acrylic supplies:
Tempera or gouache supplies:
Oil supplies:
*An alternative to colorful cardstock is painting your white paper with colored tempera
**An alternative to tempera or gouache is watercolors with a tube of white gouache / white tempera